Fortum Charge & Drive India joins hands with DLF to set up charging infrastructure in DLF Cybercity Gurugram 29 September 2022
EV India Job opportunities in Electric Vehicle Industry With growing focus on switching the transportation from ICE vehicles to Electric vehicles, there are a lot of job opportunities that the existing workforce as well as the fresh talent can capitalize on. Here we discuss the job opportunities the EV industry presents. By EV Duniya Editorial 25 April 20217106 views ShareTweet 2 Job opportunities in India in Electric Vehicle Sector Did you know that India is expected to switch about 25% of the transportation (cars, motorcycles, other two-wheelers, three-wheelers, buses, trucks) to electric vehicles by 2030? At present, India has over 23 crore vehicles. It is expected that by 2030, we will have over ten crore electric vehicles replace Internal Combustion Engine ones. Simultaneously, the incredible growth of electric vehicles increases the employment rate and job opportunities for youth. According to the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, the EV industry is expected to create about 5 crore direct and indirect job opportunities. According to recent employment statistical reports, there’s a more significant employment rate in the Renewable Energy(RE) sector. The Indian Labor Organization report stated that the Renewable Energy industry’s job opportunities would rise to 38 lacs by 2030. The substantial job opportunities in the EV industry will help improve the Indian economy and also increase the employment rate. The EV industry is lightening the future of the young skilled population. It’s said that the primary job opportunities are for the following sectors. Scientific Research Designing and Development Manufacturing Vehicle maintenance Infrastructure Development However, there are several indirect jobs for electrical, chemical, mineral mining, and material engineers. The EV industry will create over 10 million job opportunities in various domains such as designing, testing, manufacturing, wiring, charging infrastructure, sales, services, redesigning existing infrastructure, battery technology, and many more. Moreover, the new job opportunities don’t replace the traditional skilled employees. Instead, the industry facilitates the traditional or ICE qualified employees with other related services. ICE skilled technicians are highly recruited for retrofitting. The EV industry increases the opportunities for qualified youth. Therefore, youth unemployment decreases rapidly and helps in the nation’s economic growth. That’s why most states such as Kerala, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, and Tamilnadu redesigned engineering, polytechnic, and ITIs academics facilitating EV adoption. Job opportunities in Electric Vehicle Industry List of Job Opportunities in the Electric Vehicle Industry The EV industry is estimated to offer several job opportunities for skilled population. The significant profiles in the EV industry that require skillful employees are research, designing and development, manufacturing, vehicle maintenance, and infrastructure development. As mentioned above, here are various job requirements, in the electric vehicle industry. Research & Development The electric vehicle industry requires a research and development team to acknowledge the latest technology and ideas that are trending worldwide to improve battery charging, recharging technology, fuel, or material sources. The research and development team conducts research and testing on electric vehicle technology. Usually, chemists and material scientists examine the battery life and analyze its performance. Material scientists also help in discovering new materials as a replacement for existing material. To make electric vehicles better than conventional vehicles, the researchers perform various tests to bring out fast recharging technology. The research and development team helps improvise the various aspects of battery charging, electric vehicle materials, and batteries fuels usage. People in chemical and material sciences fields can take advantage of this job opportunity in the electric vehicle industry. Major Job Duties: Chemists are well-versed in the chemical properties, reactions, substances to use in battery charging, and many more related fuel and chemical substances. They perform various tests to find alternative eco-friendly chemical usage in the batteries as a fuel with this knowledge. The primary focus of the chemists is to work on the batteries along with the other engineers. Similarly, the material engineers work on the materials of the electric vehicle. They study and examine materials’ various properties and try to implement the new material products using the existing ones. They try to make robust materials that are lighter and eco-friendly. Material scientists or engineers aim to provide the best materials for seats, seat belts, upholstery, and other parts of electric vehicles. Design and Development The design and development sector includes everyone who helps in the initial vehicle modeling process to the final development process. Usually, engineers, software developers, industrial designers, technicians, and drafters work in this sector. They find out result-oriented and economical solutions that reduce vehicle costs. The design and development team strives to design vehicles accessible to all people, from rich to middle-class to poor financial families. Chemical, electrical, electronic, mechanical, industrial engineers, software engineers, developers, designers are highly demanded people for this job opportunity in the industry. Major Job Duties: Chemical engineers: Chemical engineers mainly focus on improvising the designing and manufacturing section of EVs. They work on batteries and deal with the composition of battery fuels, their chemical reactions, and new eco-friendly batteries. Electrical design engineers: As the name suggests, they work on electrical parts. They focus on the core work of electrical circuits in the vehicles allowing gas engines for charging purposes. They also work on heating and cooling systems, lighting, and digital displays. Similarly, software engineers and developers apply computer science theories to develop and analyze software applications. Industrial designers design the electric vehicle components and enhance the production process of the vehicles. Finally, mechanical engineers and drafters design the sketches, evaluate the engine models, and test them. Electric Vehicles Manufacturing Manufacturing requires a considerable workforce and involves complex processes. Manufacturing workers would be taken from the conventional vehicle model industries. These people work in large sectors or plants outside the cities. The manufacturing team focuses on machine designing and production designing. They assemble workforce and machinery tools. The specialized people required in the EV manufacturing sector are machinists, industrial managers, machine tool operators, and equipment assemblers. Major Job Duties: The machinist produces high-quality and accurate machinery products using milling machines, lathes, and grinders. They manufacture mechanical parts of the machine using various tools. The industrial managers manage the workers and are responsible for the smooth functioning of the activities. While for the fabrication of EV materials, computer controllers are required. They fabricate the plastic and metal components and manufacture vital parts. The electrical and mechanical assemblers work on assembling various electric vehicles into a single line production. They work on improving programs and automated tools to speed up production and increase productivity. While general assemblers work on the part of electric vehicles, they are neither electrical nor mechanical. Maintenance Department These are nothing but the vehicle maintenance and repair works. Regular workers can also do these works. However, the electrical systems demand skilled electrical repair workers. The maintenance workers work on replacing and installing batteries based on the electric vehicle. Usually, mechanics and technicians are required for maintenance works. Knowledge about battery systems and electrical systems is required in these specialized EV job opportunities. Infrastructure Development As electric vehicles increase on roads, the necessity of charging stations increases. Electric vehicles need specialized charging infrastructure that incorporates battery charging and swapping systems. The government is planning to incorporate private and public charging points for easy access to the charging systems. In emergency cases, there would be several charging points away from your home and office. The infrastructure development team focuses on the charging points implementation and upgradation of existing battery charging systems in various cities. Majorly, the powerline repairers and installers are required along with few electricians to implement charging infrastructure. Major Job Duties: The rural and urban planners work on implementing various charging points in different locations. Simultaneously, electric power line installers and repairers install power lines and work on power grids. Similarly, electricians install charging stations and repair paramount to minor complications. These are a few significant job opportunities for various engineers, designers, developers, drafters, and workers in the electric vehicle industry. However, the EV industry also needs a highly experienced sales and marketing team to market the EV to potential customers. The sales team takes care of marketing and selling vehicles to the customers through strategic planning. They form the robust connection between the buyer and seller. Most marketing graduates are encouraged for this job role. Takeaways Electric vehicles are effective alternatives for conventional ICE vehicles. Ramesh Rayudu, Senior Lecturer at the University of Wellington in the Engineering Department, stated that the job roles are shifting from automotive engineers to electrical engineers. Electric vehicles need more electrical engineers rather than automotive engineers. To improve India’s electric vehicle job opportunities, the government has released several policies like “FAME.” Fame is a supportive policy that markets electric vehicles and their job opportunities effectively. This is all about the job opportunities in the electric vehicle industry. We hope you enjoyed reading this article and learned something from it. If you think we’ve missed out on any important fact, please let us know in the comments section below. Cheers!
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